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Ana Maria Conneely
Jul 3, 20183 min read
Fascinating Fascia
Maybe you have heard the word fascia and maybe you have a vague idea about what it is and what it does. Or maybe you have never heard of...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jun 20, 20183 min read
Why un-processed is best
You have probably heard that in order to be healthy you should cut out processed foods. But what is processed food? And isn’t all food...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jun 13, 20182 min read
5 tips: Grow small habits for big change
When we set ourselves goals we often become so consumed with the outcome that our very happiness becomes hinged upon it. This can lead to...

Ana Maria Conneely
May 16, 20183 min read
5 ways to create a mini-home retreat
Have you ever wanted to experience some of the nurturing benefits of taking yourself on retreat, but you haven’t got the time or maybe...

Ana Maria Conneely
May 9, 20183 min read
Seed for thought
Ladies… Have you heard of seed cycling? This idea got me really interested so I have been doing some research on it and finding out from...

Ana Maria Conneely
May 1, 20182 min read
Beyond the physical
“Yoga asana is a physical practice, the practice of yoga is beyond the physical.” -A.M Conneely I get asked quiet frequently about how I...

Ana Maria Conneely
Apr 18, 20183 min read
6 ways to manage back ache
“You are only as old as your back feels” Joseph Pilates You work hard, you don’t want back pain to slow you down during your free time....

Ana Maria Conneely
Apr 11, 20182 min read
6 ways to use essential oils to enhance your day.
There is a wonderful variety of essential oils out there. And they all have an amazing array of beneficial properties and uses. You want...

Ana Maria Conneely
Feb 28, 20182 min read
5 way’s to get ready for spring
Spring is apparently one day away, though it’s hard to imagine given the snow fall yesterday. Here a few tips you can use to get yourself...

Ana Maria Conneely
Feb 15, 20182 min read
Don’t forget leg day….
Take care of your legs day. Our legs do a lot. We use them all day and every day. They get tired, overused, sore, and in need of some...

Ana Maria Conneely
Dec 30, 20172 min read
Defining, Designing and Directing
As we move into a new year in just a few days It’s important to take time to take stock of how far we have come and reflect on the things...

Ana Maria Conneely
Dec 8, 20171 min read
30 minute restorative practice
Step away from the busy activity of daily life and go inward. Restorative yoga is a practice which allows us to slow down and find...
Ana Maria Conneely
Nov 22, 20171 min read
Choosing the best yoga mat for you and the planet.
I spent a number of years using a standard mat run of the mill mat,partly because I was living in a country where the choices were...

Ana Maria Conneely
Oct 27, 20172 min read
5 Tips to help you choose the right massage therapist for you.
Have you ever gone for a massage and left feeling a little bit less than satisfied? Before you book in for your next treatment have a...

Ana Maria Conneely
Aug 3, 20173 min read
How to accentuate the benefits of Yoga,massage and nutrition!
Answer: Create synergy! In this post I would like to share with you just a few of the therapeutic benefits of yoga and massage and how...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jul 7, 20172 min read
5 week ‘Back to Balance’ programme
Most of my clients and students live very full lives. They work a lot. They have family and social time. They exercise and they probably...
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