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Ana Maria Conneely
Nov 7, 20183 min read
Why I stopped chewing gum.
I have been gum free for the past six months! This might sound funny but I was rarely without a pack of gum. When I worked with my mum in...

Ana Maria Conneely
Nov 1, 20183 min read
Are you listening? Are you being heard?
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of...

Ana Maria Conneely
Sep 19, 20182 min read
“You are what you think”
I am sure you have heard the old expression “you are what you eat” but did you know that you are what you think! The mind produces...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jun 20, 20183 min read
Why un-processed is best
You have probably heard that in order to be healthy you should cut out processed foods. But what is processed food? And isn’t all food...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jun 13, 20182 min read
5 tips: Grow small habits for big change
When we set ourselves goals we often become so consumed with the outcome that our very happiness becomes hinged upon it. This can lead to...
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