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Ana Maria Conneely
Aug 3, 20173 min read
How to accentuate the benefits of Yoga,massage and nutrition!
Answer: Create synergy! In this post I would like to share with you just a few of the therapeutic benefits of yoga and massage and how...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jul 19, 20171 min read
What is deep tissue massage?
Deep tissue massage is a powerful and effective healing tool to relieve tense, strained muscles and to bring the body back to...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jul 16, 20171 min read
Natural facelift massage
A deeply relaxing and highly beneficial treatment which targets the surface layers of the face as well as the deeper layers of facial...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jul 7, 20172 min read
5 week ‘Back to Balance’ programme
Most of my clients and students live very full lives. They work a lot. They have family and social time. They exercise and they probably...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jun 29, 20171 min read
Quinoa and poppy seed loaf (GF) (V)
This is such a simple recipe, I can’t believe I never made this before! I will undoubtedly be making it again. The texture is really...

Ana Maria Conneely
Jun 27, 20172 min read
Gauranteed Delicious Vegan Quiche (GF)
Texturally the crust is thin and crispy and the filling is soft and surprisingly egg like with tons of flavour. I am not a vegan but I do...
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