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Ana Maria Conneely
Jan 24, 20223 min read
Post-natal massage
Post-natal massage to nourish and nurture mum and baby. 5 ways massage can support new mum's.

Ana Maria Conneely
May 8, 20213 min read
3 Ways Meditation helps to Reduce Pain
The benefits of meditation are evident not just anecdotally but also through countless studies which have been conducted on the practice....

Ana Maria Conneely
Feb 22, 20213 min read
7 ways to cultivate inner strength
Know Thyself This is an ancient Greek Maxim inscribed in the temple of Apollo. I know this sounds basic but in my experience this process...

Ana Maria Conneely
Aug 29, 20202 min read
Reflexology for Insomnia
Reflexology is a powerful treatment which through regular treatments assists the body and mind to come into a state of healing and balance.

Ana Maria Conneely
Aug 20, 20205 min read
Empowerment in Action-Yoga Therapy for Immunity
The Immune System: Your immune system as you likely know is the bodies defence system. It is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and...

Ana Maria Conneely
May 20, 20202 min read
5 Random things for your wellbeing
Here are a few tried, tested and simple things you can do on a regular basis to up your self-care game. Drink lemon in the morning- Half...
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