Have you ever gone for a massage and left feeling a little bit less than satisfied?
Before you book in for your next treatment have a read through a couple of these tips which I hope will help you in making the right decision for you.
Reviews and recommendations are a great place to start but what’s right for me may not be right for you, so a little pre-massage investigation will be definitely worth your time.
A good place to start is to check that the therapist you have chosen has been formally trained and certified by a reputable school or training body. These trainings can take from 2 to 3 years and ensure that your therapist has a good base of knowledge with regards to the anatomy and physiology of the body. A good therapist will also participate in regular continual professional development to further hone their skills and knowledge in order to give their clients the best treatment possible.
Be clear in your own mind about what exactly it is you are looking for from your treatment. There are numerous styles and modalities and each have their own specific applications and benefits. For example if you are hoping for a relaxing treatment a Swedish massage or aromatherapy massage might be most suited as these focus on soothing strokes which calm and ease the nervous system. If you are looking for a massage to aid in recovery from training or deep-seated tension a deep tissue massage or sports massage might be more suitable. Be sure to vocalise your thoughts and expectations with your therapist, they can also offer you suggestions on the best treatment for you when they know what you are looking for.
Find out your therapists massage and healing philosophy. Maybe the therapist you are looking at has a website where they speak about their treatments and about their philosophy, this can give you a good idea as to whether this therapists ethos resonates with you. If they don’t have any information online maybe they would be happy to speak with you before booking so that you can get a sense of them before your treatment.
How does the therapist engage with you? Do you feel welcomed from the first minute you meet? Are you being asked about injuries, allergies and any existing conditions? Is there a dialogue? You should feel comfortable enough to let your therapist know if the pressure is too much or too little… You should be looking for someone who has your needs in mind, someone who wants to provide the type of treatment that you feel is right for you.
At the end of the day you are never going to know for sure until you have tried it. Maybe book in for a 30 minute taster session to try it out.
Even if you have found a therapist with tones of experience and training it doesn’t mean that they will automatically be the right therapist for you. So do some homework on it before booking a session to ensure for the best experience.
I wish you well.
Feel at ease
Ana Maria
For enquiries contact awaytolivewell@gmail.com
Follow me on instagram or facebook @awaytolivewell