Prepairing a small tapa´s feast, in celebration of Thursday´s every where!
I love making hummus, I equally love trying to think of ways of making hummus a touch more interesting. So i thought I would add a lovely flavour combination to the mix, namely Carrot and turmeric.
5 medium sized carrot´s
240g chick peas
2 tablespoons of tahini
2 cloves of garlic(because i love garlic)
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 teaspoon of turmeric
1/4 teaspoon of smoked paprika
pinch of salt(i use pink himalayan salt)
pinch of pepper
2 tablespoons of olive oil or water.

Get those carrot´s pealed and choped,drizled with a bit of olive oil and sprinkled with turmeric and into the oven for around 30 minutes,till soft but not mush.
Into the food processor go your chick peas,salt,pepper,lemon juice,parsely,tahini and garlic and water/olive oil.
Add in your roasted carrots with their lovely turmeric juices and all.
Whizz it up,i like it a bit rustic style, but you can make it as smooth as your heart desires.
Bam! beautiful punchy flavoured hummus with a twist, sprinke with more parsely and i like to stick on a couple olives for looks and a little something different to bite into every now and again.
Serve with corn cakes, carrots, toasty bread, pitta bread,whatever!