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Creamy roast garlic avocado dip!

Writer's picture: Ana Maria ConneelyAna Maria Conneely

This recipe turned out so well! It made the perfect late evening Friday night veggie tapas feast!

The idea came to me while I was nearing the end of a day of teaching yoga in different parts of the city and giving massage treatments. I was starting to get that “I am at end of a hard day’s work and I deserve a treat” feeling. Initially I thought, I am going to buy a delicious block of cheese and have a nice glass of wine with it. In some instances I go for the wine and cheese option but I am very aware that a hard-working body deserves the treat of something more nutritious even if the brain is saying “glass of wine please”!

So then this idea came to mind! The creamy’ness of an avocado and the rich oven roasted garlic flavour would satisfy any craving. I also included a simple roast vine tomato salsa to compliment the avocado dip, Magic combo! vitamin c and healthy fats go together perfectly and also roasting your tomatoes is the best way to get the lycopene boost (lycopene is that powerful antioxidant which helps decrease the risk of disease) Win!

And instead of wine I created a juice/smoothie to go along with it.  So many vitamins! Once I had it in mind this idea seemed far superior to the wine and cheese option, mind and body were on board!


Creamy garlic avocado dip

  1. 1 avocado,

  2. 100g of organic full fat plain yoghurt or coconut cream (vegan/dairy free option)

  3. 3 cloves roasted garlic

  4. half a lemon

  5. handful of spinach

  6. pinch of salt

Blend all together and serve, I topped it with a sprinkle of cress.

Vine tomato salsa

  1. 10 cherry vine tomatoes

  2. 2 cloves garlic

  3. tsp olive oil

  4. 1 tsp Smoked paprika

  5. pinch of salt and pepper

Roast the tomatoes and garlic in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degree. Blend all the ingredients in a bullet or food processor. This also makes a really nice sauce for patatas bravas or courgette spaghetti!

Green mango juice

  1. 1 small mango

  2. 1/2 lime

  3. handful of spinach

  4. filtered water


Let me know if you try any of these! take a picture and tag me in on it on instagram

Have a wonderful weekend!

Feel at ease.

Ana Maria


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