Meditation is usually described as a technique of focusing the mind on an object, thought or action.
I would describe it as slowing down, becoming quiet in order to witness the detail and the infinite beauty of everything.
It is an ancient practice and ofcoarse there are many differnt techniques and theories on how to do it.
But no matter what type of meditation you do the scientific results show that the benefits are incredible. Neurologists have discovered that you can change your brain through meditation reducing levels of anxiety and depression, improve attention, concentration, and overall psychological well-being.
It keeps your brain young
Increased awareness through meditation keeps the brain strong, it keeps those neurons firing and the connections open. It has been shown that people who have been meditating for twenty years plus have a reduced rate of grey matter volume loss when compared to non meditator’s according to a study by the UCLA.
Decreases symptoms of depression and anxiety
It has been shown to be more effective than antidepressants and anxiety reducing pharmaceuticals having a more . Because meditation is a form of brain training it is not an easy fix and it does require time and effort.
You will experience the benefits quickly
You will notice an improvement in your focus and concentration in just a few days of attentive practice. By honing your ability to direct the mind to remain focused you improve your cognitive skills which can transfer nicely into your day-to-day life.
How to start a meditation practice?
1. The easiest way to start is to sit comfortably somewhere quiet. (on a cushion, on a chair)
2. I recommend setting a timer, start with 2 minutes, than 5 minutes and up to 20 or 30 if you like.
3. Don’t force it, sometimes it’s just not the right moment for sitting in stillness. If you are not feeling it, don’t worry try again another day.
4. A lovely technique to start with is to simply watch the breath, feel the movement of your breath in and out of the body.
5. When the mind begins to wander just become aware of it and come back to your breath and your awareness of your body.
Meditation is not easy, it requires patience and practice. Someday’s it will feel frustrating as hell. That is okay.
Breath into it, be with it.
Happy meditating.