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Rise and spinal stretch

Writer's picture: Ana Maria ConneelyAna Maria Conneely

Even when it feels like there is no time-you could probably set aside 2 minutes for some nourishing spinal stretching.

*Handy tip-leave your mat  layed out beside your bed so that you can step right into your 2 minute morning practice.


Balasana-(childs pose) Sit the hips back to the heels, feel the spine lenghthen from tail bone all the way to the neck. Releasing between the shoulder blades.


Marjaiasana (cat pose)-Press the pelvis towards your armpits, engaging the core and lengthening the back of the body.


Bitilasana (cow pose)– Allow the belly to relax towards the ground allowing for a nice even curve in the spine not just squashing your spine at its most flexible point.


Adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog)-Round your outer shoulders towards the ground, hips go high, sitting bones press towards the heels, gaze towards your belly button, and breath into your belly, stay firm but calm.


Kumbhakasana (Plank pose)-keep  the top of your pelvic bones moving forward and your heels reaching back, pressing upwards between the shoulder blades-alternatively come onto hands and knees flat back kneeling position.

Repeat these simple postures 2 to 3 times before breakfast.

Have a beauitiful day!


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