Lisa Berry and her husband John will be revisiting Inis Meáin and leading the yoga practices over the ´Nourish´ weekend. I asked Lisa a few questions in relation to yoga, her practice and her teaching.
What does yoga mean to you?
Yoga is not just something I do it is a big part of who I am. Yoga provides me with tools for my personal and communal growth. Every class that I teach, I learn something more about myself, my students and about yoga itself. My students are by biggest teachers.
How did you get interested in yoga?
After several years of an off and on practice I became totally committed to my yoga practice, it was a means of coping with a stressful job and dealing with grief that was steadily engulfing me after my mother’s unexpected passing. The more I became immersed in my practice, not only did my physical body become stronger and more flexible but it was the noticeable changes in my mental and emotional wellbeing that really effected the very core of my daily life.
The kind of yoga you teach/love?
It was Ashtanga that had the biggest impact on me when I committed to my personal practice and it’s something I return to often but its Vinyasa flow that drives my practice and my teachings. I love the freedom that Vinyasa provides, allowing each teacher to develop their own sequences and creative transitions, in turn providing greater scope for all ages and abilities. Physiotherapy alignment principals as taught by Laragh & Dave Cunningham at The Yoga Shala, Galway are my basis for teaching students how to safely and intelligently create strength and grace in their physical practice and enable greater clarity, concentration and focus in their minds.
How you feel about Inis Meain?
The moment you set foot on Inis Meain, time literally changes pace. You have no choice but to succumb to the rhythm of the island. I was there as part of a group of walkers, we stayed just one night but felt like we had been on a retreat for a week! The silence and the beauty of the place just transports you to a different time and provides you with the space to breathe, think and be with nature. I cannot say enough about the delicious, home grown and organic produce that we treated to, it was food for the soul…
Join a beautiful practice with Lisa on May 29th– 31st and July 17th– 19th check out the web page for further details http://www.inismeainbb.com/activities/weekend-retreats-yoga-food-massage/
